Black Velvet Fairies podcast

A quick plug for a project I was briefly involved with: the Black Velvet Fairies is a podcast created by a creative team including some of the filmmakers behind The Blair Witch Project, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Golden Compass and The Quest. The first season began free across all major podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify, Amazon and Overcast) on March 19th. More details can be found here.

The Black Velvet Fairies podcast is part of the multi-platform story-world Emerald Anvil, which includes a novel, a board game, and an interactive story-telling NFT activation. You’ll find Emerald Anvil videos on YouTube.

Later episodes of the podcast will reveal online evidence and clues about the dangerous fairies that the heroine, Lucy Verdell, is investigating. I was interviewed by Lucy as part of these investigations, giving her clues on what to look out for and what to beware in the world of Faery..

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