Fairy Sexuality


Working on my next book (on faery beasts)with my publishers, the question of ‘hetero-normativity’ was raised by my editor with respect to fairy sexuality.  All the examples of relationships I gave were male and female: were there no gay fays?

This is a valid question- and perhaps a surprising one in that we are all aware that ‘fairy’ has come to be used as another word for gay.  The latter share a common history, too, in that they originated as insults (gay used to be used of prostitutes and suggested promiscuity; fairy implied an effeminate male) but have since been adopted with pride.

If we rely on the folklore record, all we’ll find is heterosexual fairies and merfolk.  Does this reflect actual folk belief or the beliefs of those recording folktales?  I strongly suspect that the latter is the case. Many of the early recorders of fairy-lore were clergymen, who undertook it as a suitable hobby.  It is hardly surprising, especially where those church ministers were Scottish Presbyterian, that anything in the least morally suspect would be suppressed.   In a sense, it is surprising that any information about the lhiannan-shee, the fairy lover, was preserved, but perhaps her loose morals and malign effect upon her victims was worth recording as an example of demonic corruption.  Beyond that was asking too much, even so.

Other early folklorists came from academia, and I suspect that a keen sense of academic and social propriety may once again have encouraged them to draw a veil over any stories they considered ‘unfit’ to print (if they were told such stories by their informants at all).  All in all, a variety of factors probably conspired to conceal the less ‘acceptable’ elements in folklore.

I was fascinated, then, to read Maurice Hewlett’s Lore of Proserpine. Although published in 1913, in his final ‘Summary Chapter’ he described fairy relationships:

“Love with them is a wild and wonderful rapture in all its manifestations, and without regard necessarily to sex.  I never, in all my life, saw a more beautiful expression of it than in the two females whom I saw greet and embrace on Parliament Hill.  Their motions to each other, their looks and their clinging were beyond expression tender and swift.”

Hewlett refers to an incident in his earlier chapter ‘The Soul at the Window.’  Out one night on Hampstead Heath, he saw a group of fairies meet, and:

“I saw one greeting between two females.  They ran together and stopped short within touching distance.  They looked brightly and intently at each other, and leaning forward approached their cheeks til they touched.  They touched by the right, they touched by the left.  Then they took hands and drew together.  By a charming movement of confidence, one nestled to the side of the other and, resting her head, looked up and laughed.  The taller embraced her with her arm and held her for a moment.  The swiftness of the act and its gracefulness were beautiful to see.  Then they ran hand in hand to the others…”

Hewlett’s book is fiction, but he could acknowledge same sex devotion between fairies a century ago.

Sir Ian McKellen, ‘Gandalf,’ as a Fairy Queen

In an earlier post, A fay of colour- diversity in Faery I questioned the very powerful presumption that faes are predominantly white and fair haired.  Plentiful evidence suggests that earlier generations made no such assumptions and that, indeed, Tudor and Stuart beliefs could encompass some radically different concepts of faery.  Just as in race, so in sexuality: what we have is a silence in our sources, not a denial.


6 thoughts on “Fairy Sexuality

  1. In regards fairies, it makes sense that there must be gay and lesbian fairies given their hetero-normativity in everything they do, and as you pointed out, that it may be that it was simply not recorded in folklore but I wonder if there are any modern day encounters of gay and lesbian fairies that experiencers are embarassed or whatever to report?

    P.S. Purchased and enjoyed reading your recent book on fairy sexuality:)


    1. Thanks for the comment (and for the book purchase!). As far as I recall, there has not yet been anything explicit in the recent Faery Censuses that would indicate any queer encounters. As you rightly suspect, I also think this is more to do with reporting than with any sexual preferences of the faeries themselves. I think many artists have been right to depict scenes in Faery as being pretty unconstrained by gender conventions: that would certainly fit with the general freedom from our moral norms that the fae folk display.


  2. Hi John et al.,

    It is chance that I have stumbled upon this older posting of yours, and yet, not chance because I was ‘Googling’ for posts on the ambiguity of fairy sexuality.

    I admit that it is not exactly an ‘everyday subject’ to Google on when it comes to the Fae, but I think you will understand when I explain.

    Dreams, I believe, allow us to release our inhibitions and aspects of our inner self that we suppress in our daily lives are allowed to come to the fore untrammelled. So, I will happily avow that I am a ‘woman’s man’ and am attracted to them. I am a ‘man’s man’ in so far as I enjoy the company of my fellow males, but am not attracted to them sexually.

    And yet, in dream world, there is an alter ego that might be comfortable with being more than ‘passing friends’ with my fellow males as well …

    I well remember my Latin teacher telling us that there were two things we needed to remember about the ancient Romans and Greeks, “That they were bilingual as well as bisexual”.

    The thing about dreams is that, most of the time, you feel like your normal self when you are awake. By the same token, you expect to take your ‘human dimensions’ with you into the dream. But I know that when in the company of my ‘little friends’ (a Pixie band headed by their Queen), I am a little creature like them and, most likely, take on some of their mischievous ways – ‘birds of a feather’ and such like. I am seldom aware that I have shrunk in size, and when I do become aware of my smaller stature, it comes as something of a surprise.

    The point I am coming round to suggest is that it is not just my height and appearance that alters, but some of my attitudes also. Things that I would find strange to say as a human seem to trip off the tongue quite naturally when in their company. That ‘inner pixie’ loses no time in showing his true colours. And why should he? He feels comfortable with the company he is keeping and is doing what comes naturally to him.

    In addition to my pixie friends, there is a water spirit whose sexuality seems to be as ambiguous as my own in dream land. I remain loyal to the Queen and her Troop, but have a close affinity with this he/she water spirit – I say this because although I know they are capable of adopting a female form, the male form seems to be their preference.

    They all know each other, of course, as well as me, and it is not unusual for them all to be sharing the same dream with me. The dreams can be vague as dreams usually are, and most of the time, I am left to suspect that they were present without being absolutely sure. I like to fish, and any dream with fishing content is guaranteed to get my fullest attention. They know it. I know it.

    If you want to meet up with your friends, you pick up a phone. Meeting up with one’s ‘little friends’ is not quite so easy, but I have found one means that sends out a clear invitation to meet up. Whether they choose to act upon it is, naturally, up to them. Persistence usually pays off in the end, and then we can ‘party’.

    Last night was no exception. Out went the ‘invitation’, mind in full-focus mode as I issued it. They accepted, and a fishing dream duly appeared in my head. I found myself standing beside some large river like the Congo or Amazon. I was in the company of others, but unable to make any of them out. We were trying to catch some kind of large catfish, I think. The dream meandered along like the river I was fishing. I saw some kind of native motorised boat travelling up the river, presumably with us all onboard.

    Then, we cut to being back on dry land, possibly indoors. I was happily holding forth to my companions before and around me (probably, my ‘fellow’ male pixies – their inseparable queen would have been with them, but she was no more visible than they). Behind me was another presence – the water spirit. It was only at this point that I became aware of my diminutive status since this being was much taller than I. This being felt distinctly masculine, but protective at the same time. I was basking in the warmth of their presence and very happy that they were there. Well, I must have been, because, the next minute, with a ‘twinkle in my eye’, I made some off-colour quip about having to keep an eye on HIM in case HE hopped from my bed into theirs …

    There was definitely some sexual innuendo going on which the wakeful me would not be contemplating. But who knows, a case of, “When in Rome …”, perhaps?



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